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Antique Blue Kitchen Cabinets

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017 - Kitchen
 Antique Blue Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Cabinet Details That Wow

Antique Blue Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Cabinet Details That Wow

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As adjective

of or belonging to the past; not modern

dating from a period long ago:antique furniture

noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately years old or more

in the tradition, fashion, or style of an earlier period; old-fashioned; antiquated

of or belonging to the ancient Greeks and Romans

(of paper) neither calendered nor coated and having a rough surface


As noun

any work of art, piece of furniture, decorative object, or the like, created or produced in a former period, or, according to U


customs laws, years before date of purchase

the antique style, usually Greek or Roman, especially in art


a style of type

As verb (used with object), antiqued, antiquing

to make or finish (something, especially furniture) in imitation of antiques

to emboss (an image, design, letters, or the like) on paper or fabric

As verb (used without object), antiqued, antiquing

to shop for or collect antiques:She spent her vacation antiquing in Boston


As noun

the pure color of a clear sky; the primary color between green and violet in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between and nm


something having a blue color:Place the blue next to the red

a person who wears blue or is a member of a group characterized by some blue symbol:Tomorrow the blues will play the browns

(often initial capital letter) a member of the Union army in the American Civil War or the army itself

Compare gray (def )


blue ribbon (def )

any of several blue-winged butterflies of the family Lycaenidae



the blue

the sky

the sea

the remote distance: They've vanished into the blue somewhere

As adjective, bluer, bluest

of the color of blue:a blue tie

(initial capital letter) of or relating to the Union army in the American Civil War

(of the skin) discolored by cold, contusion, fear, or vascular collapse

depressed in spirits; dejected; melancholy:She felt blue about not being chosen for the team

holding or offering little hope; dismal; bleak:a blue outlook

characterized by or stemming from rigid morals or religion:statutes that were blue and unrealistic

marked by blasphemy:The air was blue with oaths

(of an animal's pelage) grayish-blue

indecent; somewhat obscene; risqué:a blue joke or film

As verb (used with object), blued, bluing or blueing

to make blue; dye a blue color

to tinge with bluing:Don't blue your clothes till the second rinse

As verb (used without object), blued, bluing or blueing

to become or turn blue

As Idioms

blue in the face, exhausted and speechless, as from excessive anger, physical strain, etc

:I reminded him about it till I was blue in the face

out of the blue, suddenly and unexpectedly:The inheritance came out of the blue as a stroke of good fortune


As noun

a room or place equipped for cooking

culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen

the staff or equipment of a kitchen

As adjective

of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains

employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help

of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language


As noun

a piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, etc

, for holding or displaying items:a curio cabinet; a file cabinet

a wall cupboard used for storage, as of kitchen utensils or toilet articles:a kitchen cabinet; a medicine cabinet

a piece of furniture containing a radio or television set, usually standing on the floor and often having a record player or a place for phonograph records

(often initial capital letter) a council advising a president, sovereign, etc

, especially the group of ministers or executives responsible for the government of a nation

(often initial capital letter) (in the U


) an advisory body to the president, consisting of the heads of the executive departments of the federal government

a small case with compartments for valuables or other small objects

a small chamber or booth for special use, especially a shower stall

a private room

a room set aside for the exhibition of small works of art or objets d'art

Also called cabinet wine

a dry white wine produced in Germany from fully matured grapes without the addition of extra sugar

New England (chiefly Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts)

a milk shake made with ice cream


a small room


a small cabin

As adjective

pertaining to a political cabinet:a cabinet meeting

private; confidential; secret

pertaining to a private room

of suitable value, beauty, or size for a private room, small display case, etc

:a cabinet edition of Milton

of, relating to, or used by a cabinetmaker or in cabinetmaking


designating a method of projection (cabinet projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (cabinet drawing) having all vertical and horizontal lines drawn to exact scale, with oblique lines reduced to about half scale so as to offset the appearance of distortion

Compare axonometric, isometric (def ), oblique (def )

 Antique Blue Kitchen Cabinets Great Colors For Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Antique Blue Kitchen Cabinets Great Colors For Painting Kitchen Cabinets

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