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Beach Themed Bedroom Paint Colors

Saturday, January 13th, 2018 - Bedroom
 Beach Themed Bedroom Paint Colors HGTV.com

Beach Themed Bedroom Paint Colors HGTV.com

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As noun

an expanse of sand or pebbles along a shore

the part of the shore of an ocean, sea, large river, lake, etc

, washed by the tide or waves

the area adjacent to a seashore:We're vacationing at the beach

As verb (used with object)


to haul or run onto a beach:We beached the ship to save it

to make inoperative or unemployed


As noun

a subject of discourse, discussion, meditation, or composition; topic:The need for world peace was the theme of the meeting

a unifying or dominant idea, motif, etc

, as in a work of art

a short, informal essay, especially a school composition


a principal melodic subject in a musical composition

a short melodic subject from which variations are developed


the element common to all or most of the forms of an inflectional paradigm, often consisting of a root with certain formative elements or modifications

Compare stem (def )


topic (def )

Also, thema

an administrative division of the Byzantine Empire

As adjective

having a unifying theme:a theme restaurant decorated like a spaceship

As verb (used with object), themed, theming

to provide with a theme


As noun

a room furnished and used for sleeping

As adjective

concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy

sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes

inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community


As noun

a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art

an application of this

the dried surface pigment:Don't scuff the paint

the solid coloring matter alone; pigment

facial cosmetics, especially lipstick, rouge, etc

, designed to heighten natural color

Chiefly Western U


a pied, calico, or spotted horse or pony; pinto

As verb (used with object)

to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paint:to paint a fence

to produce (a picture, design, etc

) in paint:to paint a portrait

to represent in paint, as in oils, tempera, or watercolor:to paint an actress as the Muse of tragedy

to depict as if by painting; describe vividly in words:The ads painted the resort as a winter wonderland

to color by or as if by painting:Sunset painted the clouds pink

to apply a substance to, as a liquid medicine or a cosmetic:to paint a cut with iodine

As verb (used without object)

to coat or cover anything with paint

to engage in painting as an art:She has begun to paint in her spare time

to put on or use facial cosmetics

As Idioms

paint the town red, Informal

to celebrate boisterously, especially by making a round of stops at bars and nightclubs

Also, paint the town


As noun

the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue

the natural appearance of the skin, especially of the face; complexion:She has a lovely color

a ruddy complexion:The wind and sun had given color to the sailor's face

a blush:His remarks brought the color to her face

vivid or distinctive quality, as of a literary work:Melville's description of a whaling voyage is full of color

details in description, customs, speech, habits, etc

, of a place or period:The novel takes place in New Orleans and contains much local color

something that is used for coloring; pigment; paint; tint; dye

background information, as anecdotes about players or competitors or analyses of plays, strategy, or performance, given by a sportscaster to heighten interest in a sportscast


any distinctive color or combination or pattern of colors, especially of a badge, ribbon, uniform, or the like, worn or displayed as a symbol of or to identify allegiance to, membership in, or sponsorship by a school, group, or organization

nature, viewpoint, or attitude; character; personality: His behavior in a crisis revealed his true colors

a flag, ensign, etc

, particularly the national flag




the ceremony of hoisting the national flag at a


and of lowering it at sunset

skin complexion of a particular people or ethnic group, especially when other than white: a person of color; people of color; a man of color; alumni of color; children of color

outward appearance or aspect; guise or show:It was a lie, but it had the color of the truth

a pretext:She did it under the color of doing a good deed


the general use or effect of the pigments in a picture



Chiefly Law

an apparent or prima facie right or ground:to hold possession under color of title


tone color

a trace or particle of valuable mineral, especially gold, as shown by washing auriferous gravel


any of the labels red, green, or blue that designate the three states in which quarks are expected to exist, or any of the corresponding labels for antiquark states

Compare quantum chromodynamics, quark model


the amount of ink used


a tincture other than a fur or metal, usually including gules, azure, vert, sable, and purpure

As adjective

involving, utilizing, yielding, or possessing color:a color TV

As verb (used with object)

to give or apply color to; tinge; paint; dye:She colored her hair dark red

to cause to appear different from the reality:In order to influence the jury, he colored his account of what had happened

to give a special character or distinguishing quality to:His personal feelings color his writing

As verb (used without object)

to take on or change color:The ocean colored at dawn

to flush; blush:He colored when confronted with the incriminating evidence

As Idioms

call to the colors, to summon for service in the armed forces:Thousands are being called to the colors

change color, to blush as from embarrassment

to turn pale, as from fear: When he saw the size of his opponent, he changed color

with flying colors

flying colors


Also, especially British, colour

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