Best Paint For Painting Kitchen Cabinets
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As adjective, superl
of good with better as compar
of the highest quality, excellence, or standing:the best work; the best students
most advantageous, suitable, or desirable:the best way
largest; most:the best part of a day
As adverb, superl
of well with better as compar
most excellently or suitably; with most advantage or success:an opera role that best suits her voice
in or to the highest degree; most fully (usually used in combination):best-suited; best-known; best-loved
As noun
something or someone that is best:They always demand and get the best
The best of us can make mistakes
a person's finest clothing:It's important that you wear your best
a person's most agreeable or desirable emotional state (often preceded by at)
a person's highest degree of competence, inspiration, etc
(often preceded by at)
the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things (often preceded by at):cabinetmaking at its best
the best effort that a person, group, or thing can make:Their best fell far short of excellence
a person's best wishes or kindest regards:Please give my best to your father
As verb (used with object)
to get the better of; defeat; beat:He easily bested his opponent in hand-to-hand combat
She bested me in the argument
As Idioms
all for the best, for the good as the final result; to an ultimate advantage:At the time it was hard to realize how it could be all for the best
Also, for the best
as best one can, in the best way possible under the circumstances:We tried to smooth over the disagreement as best we could
at best, under the most favorable circumstances:You may expect to be treated civilly, at best
get / have the best of, to gain the advantage over
to defeat; subdue: His arthritis gets the best of him from time to time
had best, would be wisest or most reasonable to; ought to:You had best phone your mother to tell her where you are going
make the best of, to cope with in the best way possible:to make the best of a bad situation
with the best, on a par with the most capable:He can play bridge with the best
As noun
a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art
an application of this
the dried surface pigment:Don't scuff the paint
the solid coloring matter alone; pigment
facial cosmetics, especially lipstick, rouge, etc
, designed to heighten natural color
Chiefly Western U
a pied, calico, or spotted horse or pony; pinto
As verb (used with object)
to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paint:to paint a fence
to produce (a picture, design, etc
) in paint:to paint a portrait
to represent in paint, as in oils, tempera, or watercolor:to paint an actress as the Muse of tragedy
to depict as if by painting; describe vividly in words:The ads painted the resort as a winter wonderland
to color by or as if by painting:Sunset painted the clouds pink
to apply a substance to, as a liquid medicine or a cosmetic:to paint a cut with iodine
As verb (used without object)
to coat or cover anything with paint
to engage in painting as an art:She has begun to paint in her spare time
to put on or use facial cosmetics
As Idioms
paint the town red, Informal
to celebrate boisterously, especially by making a round of stops at bars and nightclubs
Also, paint the town
As preposition
with the object or purpose of:to run for exercise
intended to belong to, or be used in connection with: equipment for the army;a closet for dishes
suiting the purposes or needs of:medicine for the aged
in order to obtain, gain, or acquire: a suit for alimony;to work for wages
(used to express a wish, as of something to be experienced or obtained):O, for a cold drink!
sensitive or responsive to:an eye for beauty
desirous of: a longing for something;a taste for fancy clothes
in consideration or payment of; in return for: three for a dollar;to be thanked for one's efforts
appropriate or adapted to: a subject for speculation;clothes for winter
with regard or respect to: pressed for time;too warm for April
during the continuance of:for a long time
in favor of; on the side of:to be for honest government
in place of; instead of:a substitute for butter
in the interest of; on behalf of:to act for a client
in exchange for; as an offset to: blow for blow;money for goods
in punishment of:payment for the crime
in honor of:to give a dinner for a person
with the purpose of reaching:to start for London
contributive to:for the advantage of everybody
in order to save:to flee for one's life
in order to become:to train recruits for soldiers
in assignment or attribution to: an appointment for the afternoon;That's for you to decide
such as to allow of or to require:too many for separate mention
such as results in:his reason for going
as affecting the interests or circumstances of:bad for one's health
in proportion or with reference to:He is tall for his age
in the character of; as being:to know a thing for a fact
by reason of; because of: to shout for joy;a city famed for its beauty
in spite of:He's a decent guy for all that
to the extent or amount of:to walk for a mile
(used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase):It's time for me to go
(used to indicate the number of successes out of a specified number of attempts):The batter was for in the game
As conjunction
seeing that; since
As Idioms
for it, British
in (def )
As noun
a picture or design executed in paints
the act, art, or work of a person who paints
the works of art painted in a particular manner, place, or period:a book on Flemish painting
an instance of covering a surface with paint
As noun
a room or place equipped for cooking
culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen
the staff or equipment of a kitchen
As adjective
of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains
employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help
of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language
As noun
a piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, etc
, for holding or displaying items:a curio cabinet; a file cabinet
a wall cupboard used for storage, as of kitchen utensils or toilet articles:a kitchen cabinet; a medicine cabinet
a piece of furniture containing a radio or television set, usually standing on the floor and often having a record player or a place for phonograph records
(often initial capital letter) a council advising a president, sovereign, etc
, especially the group of ministers or executives responsible for the government of a nation
(often initial capital letter) (in the U
) an advisory body to the president, consisting of the heads of the executive departments of the federal government
a small case with compartments for valuables or other small objects
a small chamber or booth for special use, especially a shower stall
a private room
a room set aside for the exhibition of small works of art or objets d'art
Also called cabinet wine
a dry white wine produced in Germany from fully matured grapes without the addition of extra sugar
New England (chiefly Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts)
a milk shake made with ice cream
a small room
a small cabin
As adjective
pertaining to a political cabinet:a cabinet meeting
private; confidential; secret
pertaining to a private room
of suitable value, beauty, or size for a private room, small display case, etc
:a cabinet edition of Milton
of, relating to, or used by a cabinetmaker or in cabinetmaking
designating a method of projection (cabinet projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (cabinet drawing) having all vertical and horizontal lines drawn to exact scale, with oblique lines reduced to about half scale so as to offset the appearance of distortion
Compare axonometric, isometric (def ), oblique (def )
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