Blue And Brown Bedroom Walls
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As noun
the pure color of a clear sky; the primary color between green and violet in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between and nm
something having a blue color:Place the blue next to the red
a person who wears blue or is a member of a group characterized by some blue symbol:Tomorrow the blues will play the browns
(often initial capital letter) a member of the Union army in the American Civil War or the army itself
Compare gray (def )
blue ribbon (def )
any of several blue-winged butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
the blue
the sky
the sea
the remote distance: They've vanished into the blue somewhere
As adjective, bluer, bluest
of the color of blue:a blue tie
(initial capital letter) of or relating to the Union army in the American Civil War
(of the skin) discolored by cold, contusion, fear, or vascular collapse
depressed in spirits; dejected; melancholy:She felt blue about not being chosen for the team
holding or offering little hope; dismal; bleak:a blue outlook
characterized by or stemming from rigid morals or religion:statutes that were blue and unrealistic
marked by blasphemy:The air was blue with oaths
(of an animal's pelage) grayish-blue
indecent; somewhat obscene; risqué:a blue joke or film
As verb (used with object), blued, bluing or blueing
to make blue; dye a blue color
to tinge with bluing:Don't blue your clothes till the second rinse
As verb (used without object), blued, bluing or blueing
to become or turn blue
As Idioms
blue in the face, exhausted and speechless, as from excessive anger, physical strain, etc
:I reminded him about it till I was blue in the face
out of the blue, suddenly and unexpectedly:The inheritance came out of the blue as a stroke of good fortune
As conjunction
(used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover:pens and pencils
added to; plus: and are
then:He read for an hour and went to bed
also, at the same time:to sleep and dream
then again; repeatedly:He coughed and coughed
(used to imply different qualities in things having the same name):There are bargains and bargains, so watch out
(used to introduce a sentence, implying continuation) also; then:And then it happened
to (used between two finite verbs):Try and do it
Call and see if she's home yet
(used to introduce a consequence or conditional result):He felt sick and decided to lie down for a while
Say one more word about it and I'll scream
but; on the contrary:He tried to run five miles and couldn't
They said they were about to leave and then stayed for two more hours
(used to connect alternatives):He felt that he was being forced to choose between his career and his family
(used to introduce a comment on the preceding clause):They don't like each other—and with good reason
if:and you please
Compare an
As noun
an added condition, stipulation, detail, or particular:He accepted the job, no ands or buts about it
conjunction (def b)
As Idioms
and so forth, and the like; and others; et cetera:We discussed traveling, sightseeing, and so forth
and so on, and more things or others of a similar kind; and the like:It was a summer filled with parties, picnics, and so on
As noun
a dark tertiary color with a yellowish or reddish hue
a person whose skin has a light- or dark-brown pigmentation
As adjective, browner, brownest
of the color brown
(of animals) having skin, fur, hair, or feathers of that color
sunburned or tanned
Often Offensive
(of human beings) having the skin naturally pigmented a brown color
As verb (used with or without object)
to make or become brown
to fry, sauté, or scorch slightly in cooking:to brown onions before adding them to the stew
The potatoes browned in the pan
As Verb phrases
brown out, to subject to a brownout:The power failure browned out the southern half of the state
As Idioms
browned off, Slang
angry; fed up
do it up brown, Informal
to do thoroughly:When they entertain, they really do it up brown
As noun
a room furnished and used for sleeping
As adjective
concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy
sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes
inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community
As noun
any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc
: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc
Usually, walls
a rampart raised for defensive purposes
an immaterial or intangible barrier, obstruction, etc
, suggesting a wall:a wall of prejudice
a wall-like, enclosing part, thing, mass, etc
:a wall of fire; a wall of troops
an embankment to prevent flooding, as a levee or sea wall
the outermost film or layer of structural material protecting, surrounding, and defining the physical limits of an object:the wall of a blood cell
a line of defenders standing shoulder to shoulder in an attempt to block a free kick with their bodies
the side of a level or drift
the overhanging or underlying side of a vein; a hanging wall or footwall
As adjective
of or relating to a wall:wall space
growing against or on a wall:wall plants; wall cress
situated, placed, or installed in or on a wall:wall oven; a wall safe
As verb (used with object)
to enclose, shut off, divide, protect, border, etc
, with or as if with a wall (often followed by in or off):to wall the yard; to wall in the play area; He is walled in by lack of opportunity
to seal or fill (a doorway or other opening) with a wall:to wall an unused entrance
to seal or entomb (something or someone) within a wall (usually followed by up):The workmen had walled up the cat quite by mistake
As Idioms
climb (the) walls, Slang
to become tense or frantic:climbing the walls with boredom
drive / push to the wall, to force into a desperate situation; humiliate or ruin completely:Not content with merely winning the match, they used every opportunity to push the inferior team to the wall
go over the wall, Slang
to break out of prison:Roadblocks have been set up in an effort to capture several convicts who went over the wall
go to the wall, to be defeated in a conflict or competition; yield
to fail in business, especially to become bankrupt
to be put aside or forgotten
to take an extreme and determined position or measure: I'd go to the wall to stop him from resigning
hit the wall, (of long-distance runners) to reach a point in a race, usually after miles, when the body's fuels are virtually depleted and willpower becomes crucial to be able to finish
off the wall, Slang
beyond the realm of acceptability or reasonableness: The figure you quoted for doing the work is off the wall
markedly out of the ordinary; eccentric; bizarre: Some of the clothes in the fashion show were too off the wall for the average customer
up against the wall, placed against a wall to be executed by a firing squad
in a crucial or critical position, especially one in which defeat or failure seems imminent: Unless sales improve next month, the company will be up against the wall
up the wall, Slang
into an acutely frantic, frustrated, or irritated state:The constant tension in the office is driving everyone up the wall
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