Compact Kitchen Cabinets
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As adjective
joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense; solid:compact soil
arranged within a relatively small space:a compact shopping center; a compact kitchen
designed to be small in size and economical in operation
solidly or firmly built:the compact body of a lightweight wrestler
expressed concisely; pithy; terse; not diffuse:a compact review of the week's news
composed or made (usually followed by of):a book compact of form and content
Also, bicompact
(of a set) having the property that in any collection of open sets whose union contains the given set there exists a finite number of open sets whose union contains the given set; having the property that every open cover has a finite subcover
As verb (used with object)
to join or pack closely together; consolidate; condense
to make firm or stable
to form or make by close union or conjunction; make up or compose
to compress (metallic or metallic and nonmetallic powders) in a die to be sintered
to crush into compact form for convenient disposal or for storage until disposal:to compact rubbish
As noun
a small case containing a mirror, face powder, a puff, and sometimes rouge
Also called compact car
an automobile that is smaller than an intermediate but larger than a subcompact and generally has a combined passenger and luggage volume of – cu
m )
(in powder metallurgy) an object to be sintered formed of metallic or of metallic and nonmetallic powders compressed in a die
As noun
a room or place equipped for cooking
culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen
the staff or equipment of a kitchen
As adjective
of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains
employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help
of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language
As noun
a piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, etc
, for holding or displaying items:a curio cabinet; a file cabinet
a wall cupboard used for storage, as of kitchen utensils or toilet articles:a kitchen cabinet; a medicine cabinet
a piece of furniture containing a radio or television set, usually standing on the floor and often having a record player or a place for phonograph records
(often initial capital letter) a council advising a president, sovereign, etc
, especially the group of ministers or executives responsible for the government of a nation
(often initial capital letter) (in the U
) an advisory body to the president, consisting of the heads of the executive departments of the federal government
a small case with compartments for valuables or other small objects
a small chamber or booth for special use, especially a shower stall
a private room
a room set aside for the exhibition of small works of art or objets d'art
Also called cabinet wine
a dry white wine produced in Germany from fully matured grapes without the addition of extra sugar
New England (chiefly Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts)
a milk shake made with ice cream
a small room
a small cabin
As adjective
pertaining to a political cabinet:a cabinet meeting
private; confidential; secret
pertaining to a private room
of suitable value, beauty, or size for a private room, small display case, etc
:a cabinet edition of Milton
of, relating to, or used by a cabinetmaker or in cabinetmaking
designating a method of projection (cabinet projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (cabinet drawing) having all vertical and horizontal lines drawn to exact scale, with oblique lines reduced to about half scale so as to offset the appearance of distortion
Compare axonometric, isometric (def ), oblique (def )
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