Decor For Front Door
Decor For Front Door Monogram Wreath, Hydrangea Wreath, Front Door Wreath, Pink Hydrangea Wreath
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As noun
style or mode of decoration, as of a room, building, or the like:modern office décor; a bedroom having a Spanish décor
decoration in general; ornamentation:beads, baubles, and other décor
scenic decoration; scenery
As preposition
with the object or purpose of:to run for exercise
intended to belong to, or be used in connection with: equipment for the army;a closet for dishes
suiting the purposes or needs of:medicine for the aged
in order to obtain, gain, or acquire: a suit for alimony;to work for wages
(used to express a wish, as of something to be experienced or obtained):O, for a cold drink!
sensitive or responsive to:an eye for beauty
desirous of: a longing for something;a taste for fancy clothes
in consideration or payment of; in return for: three for a dollar;to be thanked for one's efforts
appropriate or adapted to: a subject for speculation;clothes for winter
with regard or respect to: pressed for time;too warm for April
during the continuance of:for a long time
in favor of; on the side of:to be for honest government
in place of; instead of:a substitute for butter
in the interest of; on behalf of:to act for a client
in exchange for; as an offset to: blow for blow;money for goods
in punishment of:payment for the crime
in honor of:to give a dinner for a person
with the purpose of reaching:to start for London
contributive to:for the advantage of everybody
in order to save:to flee for one's life
in order to become:to train recruits for soldiers
in assignment or attribution to: an appointment for the afternoon;That's for you to decide
such as to allow of or to require:too many for separate mention
such as results in:his reason for going
as affecting the interests or circumstances of:bad for one's health
in proportion or with reference to:He is tall for his age
in the character of; as being:to know a thing for a fact
by reason of; because of: to shout for joy;a city famed for its beauty
in spite of:He's a decent guy for all that
to the extent or amount of:to walk for a mile
(used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase):It's time for me to go
(used to indicate the number of successes out of a specified number of attempts):The batter was for in the game
As conjunction
seeing that; since
As Idioms
for it, British
in (def )
As noun
the foremost part or surface of anything
the part or side of anything that faces forward:the front of a jacket
the part or side of anything, as a building, that seems to look out or to be directed forward:He sat in the front of the restaurant
any side or face, as of a building
a façade, considered with respect to its architectural treatment or material:a cast-iron front
a property line along a street or the like:a fifty-foot front
a place or position directly before anything:We decided to plant trees in the front
a position of leadership in a particular endeavor or field:She rose to the front of her profession
the foremost line or part of an army
a line of battle
the place where combat operations are carried on
an area of activity, conflict, or competition:news from the business front
land facing a road, river, etc
a promenade along a seashore
a distinguished person listed as an official of an organization, for the sake of prestige, and who is usually inactive
a person or thing that serves as a cover or disguise for some other activity, especially one of a secret, disreputable, or illegal nature; a blind:The store was a front for foreign agents
outward impression of rank, position, or wealth
bearing or demeanor in confronting anything:a calm front
haughtiness; self-importance:That clerk has the most outrageous front
the forehead, or the entire face:the statue's gracefully chiseled front
a coalition or movement to achieve a particular end, usually political:the people's front
something attached or worn at the breast, as a shirt front or a dickey:to spill gravy down one's front
an interface or zone of transition between two dissimilar air masses
the auditorium
the business offices of a theater
the front of the stage; downstage
As adjective
of or relating to the front
situated in or at the front:front seats
(of a speech sound) articulated with the tongue blade relatively far forward in the mouth, as the sounds of lay
As verb (used with object)
to have the front toward; face:Our house fronts the lake
to meet face to face; confront
to face in opposition, hostility, or defiance
to furnish or supply a front to:to front a building with sandstone
to serve as a front to:A long, sloping lawn fronted their house
to provide an introduction to; introduce:a recorded message that is fronted with a singing commercial
to lead (a jazz or dance band)
to articulate (a speech sound) at a position farther front in the mouth
to move (a constituent) to the beginning of a clause or sentence
As verb (used without object)
to have or turn the front in some specified direction:Our house fronts on the lake
to serve as a cover or disguise for another activity, especially something of a disreputable or illegal nature:The shop fronts for a narcotics ring
As interjection
(used to call or command someone to come, look, etc
, to the front, as in an order to troops on parade or in calling a hotel bellboy to the front desk):Front and center, on the double!
As Idioms
in front, in a forward place or position:Sit down, you in front!
in front of, ahead of: to walk in front of a moving crowd
outside the entrance of: to wait in front of a house
in the presence of: to behave badly in front of company
out front, outside the entrance: He's waiting out front
ahead of competitors: This advertising campaign ought to put our business way out front
in the audience or auditorium
candidly; frankly: Say what you mean out front
up front, Informal
in advance; before anything else: You'll have to make a payment of $, up front
frank; open; direct: I want you to be up front with me
As noun
a movable, usually solid, barrier for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, commonly turning on hinges or sliding in grooves
a doorway:to go through the door
the building, house, etc
, to which a door belongs:My friend lives two doors down the street
any means of approach, admittance, or access:the doors to learning
any gateway marking an entrance or exit from one place or state to another:at heaven's door
As Idioms
lay at someone's door, to hold someone accountable for; blame; impute
leave the door open, to allow the possibility of accommodation or change; be open to reconsideration:The boss rejected our idea but left the door open for discussing it again next year
lie at someone's door, to be the responsibility of; be imputable to:One's mistakes often lie at one's own door
show someone the door, to request or order someone to leave; dismiss:She resented his remark and showed him the door
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Great Decor For Front Door 67 Cute And Inviting Fall Front Door Décor Ideas
Decor For Front Door Best 25+ Front Door Decor Ideas On Pinterest | Front Door Wreaths, Front Door Christmas Bows And Picture Frame Wreath
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