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As adjective, funnier, funniest
providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical:a funny remark; a funny person
attempting to amuse; facetious:Did you really mean that or were you just being funny?
warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded:We thought there was something funny about those extra charges
insolent; impertinent:Don't get funny with me, young man!
curious; strange; peculiar; odd:Her speech has a funny twang
As noun, plural funnies
a funny remark or story; a joke:to make a funny
comic strips
Also called funny paper
the section of a newspaper reserved for comic strips, word games, etc
As noun
an article of furniture having a broad, usually level, writing surface, as well as drawers or compartments for papers, writing materials, etc
a frame for supporting a book from which the service is read in a church
a pulpit
the section of a large organization, as a governmental bureau or newspaper, having authority over and responsibility for particular operations within the organization:city desk; foreign desk
a table or counter, as in a library or office, at which a specific job is performed or a service offered:an information desk; reception desk
a stand used to support sheet music; music stand
(in an orchestra) a seat or position assigned by rank (usually used in combination):a first-desk flutist
As adjective
of or relating to a writing desk:a desk drawer
of a size or form suitable for use on a desk:desk dictionary
done at or based on a desk, as in an office or schoolroom:He used to be a traveling salesman, but now he has a desk job
As noun, plural accessories
a subordinate or supplementary part, object, or the like, used mainly for convenience, attractiveness, safety, etc
, as a spotlight on an automobile or a lens cover on a camera
an article or set of articles of dress, as gloves, earrings, or a scarf, that adds completeness, convenience, attractiveness, etc
, to one's basic outfit
Also called accessory before the fact
a person who, though not present during the commission of a felony, is guilty of having aided and abetted another, who committed the felony
Also called accessory after the fact
a person who knowingly conceals or assists another who has committed a felony
Compare principal (def b)
accessory nerve
As adjective
contributing to a general effect; supplementary; subsidiary
giving aid as an accessory
(of a mineral) being present in small amounts in a rock and having no bearing on the classification of the rock, as zircon in granite
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