Grey White Yellow Bedroom
Grey White Yellow Bedroom ... Yellow Beside Lamps Bring Symmetry To The Room [Design: Judith Balis Interiors]
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As adjective, greyer, greyest,
As noun,
As verb (used with or without object)
Related forms Expand greyly,As adverb
greyness,As noun
ungreyed,As adjective
Grey [grey] /greɪ/ Spell Syllableswhite
As adjective, whiter, whitest
of the color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc
; reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light
light or comparatively light in color
(of human beings) belonging to a group marked by slight pigmentation of the skin, often of European descent
for, limited to, or predominantly made up of white people:a white neighborhood
pallid or pale, as from fear or other strong emotion:white with rage
silvery, gray, or hoary:white hair
snowy:a white Christmas
lacking color; transparent
(politically) ultraconservative
blank, as an unoccupied space in printed matter:Fill in the white space below
composed entirely of polished steel plates without fabric or other covering; alwite
wearing white clothing:a white monk
Older Use: Offensive
decent, honorable, or dependable:That's mighty white of you
auspicious or fortunate
morally pure; innocent
without malice; harmless:white magic
(of wines) light-colored or yellowish, as opposed to red
(of coffee) containing milk
As noun
a color without hue at one extreme end of the scale of grays, opposite to black
A white surface reflects light of all hues completely and diffusely
Most so-called whites are very light grays: fresh snow, for example, reflects about percent of the incident light, but to be strictly white, snow would have to reflect percent of the incident light
It is the ultimate limit of a series of shades of any color
Compare black (def )
a hue completely desaturated by admixture with white, the highest value possible
quality or state of being white
lightness of skin pigment
a person with light-colored skin, often of European descent
a white material or substance
the white part of something
a pellucid viscous fluid that surrounds the yolk of an egg; albumen
the white part of the eyeball:He has a speck in the white of his eye
white or nearly white clothing, as in tennis whites
top-grade white flourwhite wine:Graves is a good white
a type or breed that is white in color
Usually, whites
a blank space in printing
(initial capital letter) a hog of any of several breeds having a white coat, as a Chester White
any of several white-winged butterflies of the family Pieridae, as the common cabbage butterflies
white fabric
the outermost ring of the butt
an arrow that hits this portion of the butt
the central part of the butt or target, formerly painted white but now painted gold or yellow
a target painted white
Chess, Checkers
the men or pieces that are light-colored
(often initial capital letter) a member of a royalist, conservative, or reactionary political party
As verb (used with object), whited, whiting
to make white by leaving blank spaces (often followed by out)
to whiten (areas of artwork) in retouching preparatory to photoengraving (often followed by out)
to make white; whiten
As Verb phrases
white out, to cover (errors in copy) with a white correction fluid
to censor, as by obliterating words or passages with white ink
As Idioms
bleed white, Informal
to be or cause to be deprived of all one's resources:Dishonesty is bleeding the union white
in the white, in an unfinished state or condition, as furniture wood that has not been stained or varnished
As noun
a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons, etc
; the primary color between green and orange in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between and nm
the yolk of an egg
a yellow pigment or dye
yellow light
yellow jacket (def )
As adjective, yellower, yellowest
of the color yellow
Disparaging and Offensive
designating or pertaining to an Asian person or Asian peoples
designating or pertaining to a person of mixed racial origin, especially of black and white heritage
having a sallow or yellowish complexion
(of a newspaper, book, etc
) featuring articles, pictures, or other content that is sensational, especially morbidly or offensively so: yellow rags;
yellow biographiesdishonest in editorial comment and the presentation of news, especially in sacrificing truth for sensationalism, as in yellow journalism; yellow press
jealous; envious
As verb (used with or without object)
to make or become yellow:Yellow the sheets with dye
The white stationery had yellowed with age
As noun
a room furnished and used for sleeping
As adjective
concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy
sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes
inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community
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Grey White Yellow Bedroom
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Grey White Yellow Bedroom Images Collection
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