Herb Garden Tips
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As noun
a flowering plant whose stem above ground does not become woody
such a plant when valued for its medicinal properties, flavor, scent, or the like
Often, the herb
As Idioms
give it the herbs, Australian Slang
to use full power, especially in accelerating a car
As noun
a plot of ground, usually near a house, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated
a piece of ground or other space, commonly with ornamental plants, trees, etc
, used as a park or other public recreation area:a public garden
a fertile and delightful spot or region
yard (def )
As adjective
pertaining to, produced in, or suitable for cultivation or use in a garden:fresh garden vegetables; garden furniture
As verb (used without object)
to lay out, cultivate, or tend a garden
As verb (used with object)
to cultivate as a garden
As Idioms
lead up / down the garden path, to deceive or mislead in an enticing way; lead on; delude:The voters had been led up the garden path too often to take a candidate's promises seriously
As noun
a slender or pointed end or extremity, especially of anything long or tapered:the tips of the fingers
the top, summit, or apex:the tip of the mountain
a small piece or part, as of metal or leather, forming or covering the extremity of something:a cane with a rubber tip
Also called tip-in, tip-on
an insert, as an illustration, map, or errata slip, pasted to a page of a book, magazine, etc
, usually along the binding margin
a small, delicate tool made of fine hair cemented between two cards, for applying gold leaf
As verb (used with object), tipped, tipping
to furnish with a tip
to serve as or form the tip of
to mark or adorn the tip of
to remove the tip or stem of (berries or certain fruits or vegetables)
to frost the ends of (hair strands):I'm having my hair cut and tipped tomorrow
As Verb phrases
tip in, Bookbinding
to paste the inner margin of (a map, illustration, or other plate) into a signature before gathering
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