How To Arrange A Living Room With A Tv
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As adverb
in what way or manner; by what means?:How did the accident happen?
to what extent, degree, etc
?:How damaged is the car?
in what state or condition?:How are you?
for what reason; why?:How can you talk such nonsense?
to what effect; with what meaning?:How is one to interpret his action?
what?:How do you mean? If they don't have vanilla, how about chocolate?
(used as an intensifier):How seldom I go there!
by what title or name?:How does one address the president?
at what price:How are the new cars going, cheaper than last year's models?
by what amount or in what measure or quantity?:How do you sell these tomatoes?
in what form or shape?:How does the demon appear in the first act of the opera? How does the medication come?
As conjunction
the manner or way in which:He couldn't figure out how to solve the problem
about the manner, condition, or way in which:I don't care how you leave your desk when you go
Be careful how you act
in whatever manner or way; however:You can travel how you please
that:He told us how he was honest and could be trusted
As noun
a question concerning the way or manner in which something is done, achieved, etc
:a child's unending whys and hows
a way or manner of doing something:to consider all the hows and wherefores
a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter H
As Idioms
and how!, Informal
certainly! you bet!:Am I happy? And how!
Here's how, Informal
(used as a toast)
how come?, Informal
how is it that? why?:How come you never visit us anymore?
how so?, how does it happen to be so? why?:You haven't any desire to go? How so?
As preposition
(used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from):They came to the house
(used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward:from north to south
(used for expressing limit of movement or extension):He grew to six feet
(used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon:a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface
(used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until:to this day; It is ten minutes to six
We work from nine to five
(used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention):going to the rescue
(used for expressing destination or appointed end):sentenced to jail
(used for expressing agency, result, or consequence):to my dismay; The flowers opened to the sun
(used for expressing a resulting state or condition):He tore it to pieces
(used for expressing the object of inclination or desire):They drank to her health
(used for expressing the object of a right or claim):claimants to an estate
(used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount):wet to the skin; goods amounting to $; Tomorrow's high will be to °
(used for expressing addition or accompaniment) with:He added insult to injury
They danced to the music
Where is the top to this box?
(used for expressing attachment or adherence):She held to her opinion
(used for expressing comparison or opposition):inferior to last year's crop; The score is eight to seven
(used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by:a position to one's liking; to the best of my knowledge
(used for expressing reference, reaction, or relation):What will he say to this?
(used for expressing a relative position):parallel to the roof
(used for expressing a proportion of number or quantity) in; making up: to the dozen; miles to the gallon
(used for indicating the indirect object of a verb, for connecting a verb with its complement, or for indicating or limiting the application of an adjective, noun, or pronoun):Give it to me
I refer to your work
(used as the ordinary sign or accompaniment of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose, in ordinary uses with a substantive object
raised to the power indicated:Three to the fourth is ( = )
As adverb
toward a point, person, place, or thing, implied or understood
toward a contact point or closed position:Pull the door to
toward a matter, action, or work:We turned to with a will
into a state of consciousness; out of unconsciousness:after he came to
As Idioms
to and fro
fro (def )
As verb (used with object), arranged, arranging
to place in proper, desired, or convenient order; adjust properly:to arrange books on a shelf
to come to an agreement or understanding regarding:The two sides arranged the sale of the property
to prepare or plan:to arrange the details of a meeting
to adapt (a composition) for a particular style of performance by voices or instruments
As verb (used without object), arranged, arranging
to make plans or preparations:They arranged for a conference on Wednesday
to make a settlement; come to an agreement:to arrange with the coal company for regular deliveries
As noun, plural A's or As, a's or as
the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel
any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small
something having the shape of an A
a written or printed representation of the letter A or a
a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a
As Idioms
from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely:He knows the Bible from A to Z
not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant
As adjective
having life; being alive; not dead:living persons
in actual existence or use; extant:living languages
active or thriving; vigorous; strong:a living faith
burning or glowing, as a coal
flowing freely, as water
pertaining to, suitable for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence:living conditions; a living wage
of or relating to living persons:within living memory
lifelike; true to life, as a picture or narrative
in its natural state and place; not uprooted, changed, etc
:living rock
very; absolute (used as an intensifier): You scared the living daylights out of me!He's making her life a living hell
As noun
the act or condition of a person or thing that lives:Living is very expensive these days
the means of maintaining life; livelihood:to earn one's living
a particular manner, state, or status of life:luxurious living
(used with a plural verb) living persons collectively (usually preceded by the):glad to be among the living
the benefice of a clergyman
As noun
a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts:a dining room
rooms, lodgings or quarters, as in a house or building
the persons present in a room:The whole room laughed
space or extent of space occupied by or available for something:The desk takes up too much room
opportunity or scope for something:room for improvement; room for doubt
status or a station in life considered as a place:He fought for room at the top
capacity:Her brain had no room for trivia
a working area cut between pillars
As verb (used without object)
to occupy a room or rooms; lodge
As preposition
accompanied by; accompanying:I will go with you
He fought with his brother against the enemy
in some particular relation to (especially implying interaction, company, association, conjunction, or connection):I dealt with the problem
She agreed with me
characterized by or having:a person with initiative
(of means or instrument) by the use of; using:to line a coat with silk; to cut with a knife
(of manner) using or showing:to work with diligence
in correspondence, comparison, or proportion to:Their power increased with their number
How does their plan compare with ours?
in regard to:to be pleased with a gift
(of cause) owing to:to die with pneumonia; to pale with fear
in the region, sphere, or view of:It is day with us while it is night with the Chinese
(of separation) from:to part with a thing
against, as in opposition or competition:He fought with his brother over the inheritance
in the keeping or service of:to leave something with a friend
in affecting the judgment, estimation, or consideration of:Her argument carried a lot of weight with the trustees
at the same time as or immediately after; upon:And with that last remark, she turned and left
of the same opinion or conviction as:Are you with me or against me?
in proximity to or in the same household as:He lives with his parents
(used as a function word to specify an additional circumstance or condition):We climbed the hill, with Jeff following behind
As Idioms
in with
in (def )
with child, pregnant
with it, Slang
knowledgeable about, sympathetic to, or partaking of the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc
representing or characterized by the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc
with that
that (def )
As noun, plural A's or As, a's or as
the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel
any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small
something having the shape of an A
a written or printed representation of the letter A or a
a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a
As Idioms
from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely:He knows the Bible from A to Z
not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant
As noun, plural TVs
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