How To Decorate A Long Narrow Living Room
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As adverb
in what way or manner; by what means?:How did the accident happen?
to what extent, degree, etc
?:How damaged is the car?
in what state or condition?:How are you?
for what reason; why?:How can you talk such nonsense?
to what effect; with what meaning?:How is one to interpret his action?
what?:How do you mean? If they don't have vanilla, how about chocolate?
(used as an intensifier):How seldom I go there!
by what title or name?:How does one address the president?
at what price:How are the new cars going, cheaper than last year's models?
by what amount or in what measure or quantity?:How do you sell these tomatoes?
in what form or shape?:How does the demon appear in the first act of the opera? How does the medication come?
As conjunction
the manner or way in which:He couldn't figure out how to solve the problem
about the manner, condition, or way in which:I don't care how you leave your desk when you go
Be careful how you act
in whatever manner or way; however:You can travel how you please
that:He told us how he was honest and could be trusted
As noun
a question concerning the way or manner in which something is done, achieved, etc
:a child's unending whys and hows
a way or manner of doing something:to consider all the hows and wherefores
a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter H
As Idioms
and how!, Informal
certainly! you bet!:Am I happy? And how!
Here's how, Informal
(used as a toast)
how come?, Informal
how is it that? why?:How come you never visit us anymore?
how so?, how does it happen to be so? why?:You haven't any desire to go? How so?
As preposition
(used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from):They came to the house
(used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward:from north to south
(used for expressing limit of movement or extension):He grew to six feet
(used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon:a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface
(used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until:to this day; It is ten minutes to six
We work from nine to five
(used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention):going to the rescue
(used for expressing destination or appointed end):sentenced to jail
(used for expressing agency, result, or consequence):to my dismay; The flowers opened to the sun
(used for expressing a resulting state or condition):He tore it to pieces
(used for expressing the object of inclination or desire):They drank to her health
(used for expressing the object of a right or claim):claimants to an estate
(used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount):wet to the skin; goods amounting to $; Tomorrow's high will be to °
(used for expressing addition or accompaniment) with:He added insult to injury
They danced to the music
Where is the top to this box?
(used for expressing attachment or adherence):She held to her opinion
(used for expressing comparison or opposition):inferior to last year's crop; The score is eight to seven
(used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by:a position to one's liking; to the best of my knowledge
(used for expressing reference, reaction, or relation):What will he say to this?
(used for expressing a relative position):parallel to the roof
(used for expressing a proportion of number or quantity) in; making up: to the dozen; miles to the gallon
(used for indicating the indirect object of a verb, for connecting a verb with its complement, or for indicating or limiting the application of an adjective, noun, or pronoun):Give it to me
I refer to your work
(used as the ordinary sign or accompaniment of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose, in ordinary uses with a substantive object
raised to the power indicated:Three to the fourth is ( = )
As adverb
toward a point, person, place, or thing, implied or understood
toward a contact point or closed position:Pull the door to
toward a matter, action, or work:We turned to with a will
into a state of consciousness; out of unconsciousness:after he came to
As Idioms
to and fro
fro (def )
As verb (used with object), decorated, decorating
to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming; embellish:to decorate walls with murals
to plan and execute the design, furnishings, and ornamentation of the interior of (a house, office, apartment, etc
), especially by selecting colors, fabrics, and style of furniture, by making minor structural changes, etc
:Their house is decorated in French Provincial style
to confer distinction upon by a badge, a medal of honor, etc
:to decorate a soldier for valor
As noun, plural A's or As, a's or as
the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel
any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small
something having the shape of an A
a written or printed representation of the letter A or a
a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a
As Idioms
from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely:He knows the Bible from A to Z
not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant
As adjective, longer [lawng-ger, long-] /ˈlɔŋ gər, ˈlɒŋ-/ (Show IPA), longest [lawng-gist, long-] /ˈlɔŋ gɪst, ˈlɒŋ-/ (Show IPA)
having considerable linear extent in space:a long distance; a long handle
having considerable duration in time:a long conversation; a long while
extending, lasting, or totaling a number of specified units:eight miles long; eight hours long
containing many items or units:a long list
requiring a considerable time to relate, read, etc
:a long story
extending beyond normal or moderate limits:a long, boring speech
experienced as passing slowly, because of the difficulty, tedium, or unpleasantness involved:long years of study
reaching well into the past:a long memory
the longer of two or the longest of several:the long way home; a brick with the long side exposed
taking a long time; slow:He's certainly long getting here
forward-looking or considering all aspects; broad:to take a long view of life
intense, thorough, or critical; seriously appraising:a long look at one's past mistakes
having an ample supply or endowment of something (often followed by on):to be long on advice; to be long on brains
having a considerable time to run, as a promissory note
Chiefly Law
distant or remote in time:a long date
extending relatively far:a man with a long reach
being higher or taller than usual:long casement windows
being against great odds; unlikely:a long chance
(of beverages) mixed or diluted with a large amount of soda, seltzer, etc
:highballs, collinses, and other long drinks
(of the head or skull) of more than ordinary length from front to back
lasting a relatively long time: “Feed” has a longer sound than “feet” or “fit
belonging to a class of sounds considered as usually longer in duration than another class, as the vowel of bought as compared to that of but, and in many languages serving as a distinctive feature of phonemes, as the ah in German Bahn in contrast with the a in Bann, or the tt in Italian fatto in contrast with the t in fato (opposed to short)
having the sound of the English vowels in mate, meet, mite, mote, moot, and mute, historically descended from vowels that were long in duration
(of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a longer time than a short syllable
holding or accumulating stocks, futures, commodities, etc
, with the expectation of a rise in prices:a long position in chemicals
marked by a large difference in the numbers of the given betting ratio or in the amounts wagered: long odds
of or relating to the larger amount bet
(of clay) very plastic; fat
As noun
a comparatively long time:They haven't been gone for long
Will it take long?
something that is long:The signal was two longs and a short
a size of garment for men who are taller than average
a garment, as a suit or overcoat, in this size:The shorts and the longs are hung separately
a person who accumulates or holds stocks or commodities with the expectation of a rise in prices
As adverb
for or through a great extent of space or, especially, time:a reform long advocated
for or throughout a specified extent, especially of time:How long did he stay?
(used elliptically in referring to the length of an absence, delay, etc
):Will she be long?
throughout a specified period of time (usually used to emphasize a preceding noun):It's been muggy all summer long
at a point of time far distant from the time indicated:long before
As Idioms
as long as, provided that: As long as you can come by six, I'll be here
seeing that; since: As long as you're going to the grocery anyway, buy me a pint of ice cream
Also, so long as
during the time that; through the period that: As long as we were neighbors, they never invited us inside their house
before long, soon:We should have news of her whereabouts before long
the long and the short of, the point or gist of; substance of:The long and the short of it is that they will be forced to sell all their holdings
Also, the long and short of
As adjective, narrower, narrowest
of little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expected:a narrow path
limited in extent or space; affording little room:narrow quarters
limited in range or scope:a narrow sampling of public opinion
lacking breadth of view or sympathy, as persons, the mind, or ideas:a narrow man, knowing only his professional specialty; a narrow mind
with little margin to spare; barely adequate or successful; close:a narrow escape
careful, thorough, or minute, as a scrutiny, search, or inquiry
limited in amount; small; meager:narrow resources
straitened; impoverished:narrow circumstances
New England
stingy or parsimonious
(of a vowel) articulated with the tongue laterally constricted, as the ee of beet, the oo of boot, etc
; tense
Compare lax (def )
(of a phonetic transcription) utilizing a unique symbol for each phoneme and whatever supplementary diacritics are needed to indicate its subphonemic varieties
Compare broad (def )
(of livestock feeds) proportionately rich in protein
As verb (used without object)
to decrease in width or breadth:This is where the road narrows
As verb (used with object)
to make narrower
to limit or restrict (often followed by down):to narrow an area of search; to narrow down a contest to three competitors
to make narrow-minded:Living in that village has narrowed him
As noun
a narrow part, place, or thing
a narrow part of a valley, passage, or road
narrows, (used with a singular or plural verb) a narrow part of a strait, river, ocean current, etc
The Narrows, a narrow strait from upper to lower New York Bay, between Staten Island and Long Island
miles (
km) long; mile (
km) wide
As adjective
having life; being alive; not dead:living persons
in actual existence or use; extant:living languages
active or thriving; vigorous; strong:a living faith
burning or glowing, as a coal
flowing freely, as water
pertaining to, suitable for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence:living conditions; a living wage
of or relating to living persons:within living memory
lifelike; true to life, as a picture or narrative
in its natural state and place; not uprooted, changed, etc
:living rock
very; absolute (used as an intensifier): You scared the living daylights out of me!He's making her life a living hell
As noun
the act or condition of a person or thing that lives:Living is very expensive these days
the means of maintaining life; livelihood:to earn one's living
a particular manner, state, or status of life:luxurious living
(used with a plural verb) living persons collectively (usually preceded by the):glad to be among the living
the benefice of a clergyman
As noun
a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts:a dining room
rooms, lodgings or quarters, as in a house or building
the persons present in a room:The whole room laughed
space or extent of space occupied by or available for something:The desk takes up too much room
opportunity or scope for something:room for improvement; room for doubt
status or a station in life considered as a place:He fought for room at the top
capacity:Her brain had no room for trivia
a working area cut between pillars
As verb (used without object)
to occupy a room or rooms; lodge
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