Ikea Outdoor Side Table
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As adjective
Also, outdoors
characteristic of, located, occurring, or belonging outdoors:an outdoor barbecue; outdoor sports
As noun
one of the surfaces forming the outside of or bounding a thing, or one of the lines bounding a geometric figure
either of the two broad surfaces of a thin, flat object, as a door, a piece of paper, etc
one of the lateral surfaces of an object, as opposed to the front, back, top, and bottom
either of the two lateral parts or areas of a thing:the right side and the left side
either lateral half of the body, especially of the trunk, of a human or animal
the dressed, lengthwise half of an animal's body, as of beef or pork, used for food
an aspect or phase, especially as contrasted with another aspect or phase:to consider all sides of a problem
region, direction, or position with reference to a central line, space, or point:the east side of a city
a slope, as of a hill
one of two or more contesting teams, groups, parties, etc
:Our side won the baseball game
the position, course, or part of a person or group opposing another:I am on your side in this issue
line of descent through either the father or the mother:grandparents on one's maternal side
the space immediately adjacent to something or someone indicated:Stand at my side
a side dish, as in a restaurant:I'll have a hamburger and a side of French fries
Usually, sides
pages of a script containing only the lines and cues of a specific role to be learned by a performer
the lines of the role
the hull portion that is normally out of the water, located between the stem and stern to port or starboard
English (def )
either of the two surfaces of a phonograph record or the two tracks on a audiotape
a phonograph record
Chiefly British Slang
affected manner; pretension; assumed haughtiness: to put on side
impudence; gall: He has a lot of side
As adjective
being at or on one side:the side aisles of a theater
coming from one side
directed toward one side:a side blow
subordinate or incidental:a side issue
As Verb phrases, past and past participle sided,
As present participle siding
side with/against, to favor or support or refuse to support one group, opinion, etc
, against opposition; take sides, as in a dispute:He always sides with the underdog
As Idioms
on the side, Informal
separate from the main issue or point of interest
in addition to one's regular, or known work, interest, relationships, etc
: She tried selling cosmetics on the side
He dates another girl on the side
as a side dish: a hamburger with French fries on the side
on the adjective side, rather more than less; tending toward (the quality or condition specified):This cake is a little on the sweet side
side by side, next to one another; together
closely associated or related; in proximity: A divided city in which democracy and communism must live side by side
take sides, to give one's support to one person or group in a dispute; be partial to one side:We were careful not to take sides for fear of getting personally involved
the far side, the farther or opposite side:the far side of the moon
As noun
an article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports:a kitchen table; an operating table; a pool table
such a piece of furniture specifically used for serving food to those seated at it
the food placed on a table to be eaten:She sets a good table
a group of persons at a table, as for a meal, game, or business transaction
a gaming table
a flat or plane surface; a level area
a tableland or plateau
a concise list or guide:The table of contents in the front of the book includes chapter names and page numbers
an arrangement of words, numbers, or signs, or combinations of them, as in parallel columns, to exhibit a set of facts or relations in a definite, compact, and comprehensive form; a synopsis or scheme
(initial capital letter) Astronomy
the constellation Mensa
a flat and relatively thin piece of wood, stone, metal, or other hard substance, especially one artificially shaped for a particular purpose
a course or band, especially of masonry, having a distinctive form or position
a distinctively treated surface on a wall
a smooth, flat board or slab on which inscriptions may be put
the tablets on which certain collections of laws were anciently inscribed: the tables of the Decalogue
the laws themselves
the inner or outer hard layer or any of the flat bones of the skull
a sounding board
the upper horizontal surface of a faceted gem
a gem with such a surface
As verb (used with object), tabled, tabling
to place (a card, money, etc
) on a table
to enter in or form into a table or list
Parliamentary Procedure
Chiefly U
to lay aside (a proposal, resolution, etc
) for future discussion, usually with a view to postponing or shelving the matter indefinitely
to present (a proposal, resolution, etc
) for discussion
As adjective
of, relating to, or for use on a table:a table lamp
suitable for serving at a table or for eating or drinking:table grapes
As Idioms
on the table, Parliamentary Procedure
submitted for consideration
turn the tables, to cause a reversal of an existing situation, especially with regard to gaining the upper hand over a competitor, rival, antagonist, etc
:Fortune turned the tables and we won
We turned the tables on them and undersold them by percent
under the table, drunk
as a bribe; secretly: She gave money under the table to get the apartment
wait (on) table, to work as a waiter or waitress:He worked his way through college by waiting table
Also, wait tables
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Ikea Outdoor Side Table Images Gallery
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