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Kitchen Corner Nook Table

Friday, December 22nd, 2017 - Kitchen
Attractive Kitchen Corner Nook Table Trestle Table Corner Breakfast Nook Set

Attractive Kitchen Corner Nook Table Trestle Table Corner Breakfast Nook Set

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As noun

a room or place equipped for cooking

culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen

the staff or equipment of a kitchen

As adjective

of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains

employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help

of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language


As noun

the place at which two converging lines or surfaces meet

the space between two converging lines or surfaces near their intersection; angle:a chair in the corner of the room

a projecting angle, especially of a rectangular figure or object:He bumped into the corner of the table

the point where two streets meet:the corner of Market and Main Streets

an end; margin; edge

any narrow, secluded, or secret place

an awkward or embarrassing position, especially one from which escape is impossible


a monopolizing or a monopoly of the available supply of a stock or commodity to a point permitting control of price (applied only when monopoly price is exacted)

region; part; quarter:from every corner of the empire


the point of intersection of the section lines of a land survey, often marked by a monument or some object, as a pipe that is set or driven into the ground

Compare section (def )

a stake, tree, or rock marking the intersection of property lines

a piece to protect the corner of anything


any point on the line forming the left or right boundary of home plate: a pitch on the corner

the area formed by the intersection of the foul line and the outfield fence


the immediate area formed by any of the four angles in the ring

one of the two assigned corners where a boxer rests between rounds and behind which the handlers sit during a fight


corner kick

As adjective

situated on or at a corner where two streets meet:a corner drugstore

made to fit or be used in a corner:a corner cabinet

As verb (used with object)

to furnish with corners

to place in or drive into a corner

to force into an awkward or difficult position or one from which escape is impossible:He finally cornered the thief

to gain control of (a stock, commodity, etc


As verb (used without object)

to meet in or be situated on or at a corner

to form a corner in a stock or commodity

(of an automobile) to turn, especially at a speed relatively high for the angle of the turn involved

As Idioms

cut corners, to use a shorter route

to reduce costs or care in execution: cutting corners to meet the foreign competition

rough corners, rude, boorish, or unsophisticated characteristics, manners, or the like:Despite his rough corners, he was very likable

the four corners of the earth, the most distant or remote regions:They traveled to the four corners of the earth

turn the corner, to pass through a crisis safely:When the fever passed, we knew he had turned the corner


As noun

a corner, as in a room

any secluded or obscure corner

any small recess:a breakfast nook

any remote or sheltered spot:a shady nook that was ideal for a picnic


As noun

an article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports:a kitchen table; an operating table; a pool table

such a piece of furniture specifically used for serving food to those seated at it

the food placed on a table to be eaten:She sets a good table

a group of persons at a table, as for a meal, game, or business transaction

a gaming table

a flat or plane surface; a level area

a tableland or plateau

a concise list or guide:The table of contents in the front of the book includes chapter names and page numbers

an arrangement of words, numbers, or signs, or combinations of them, as in parallel columns, to exhibit a set of facts or relations in a definite, compact, and comprehensive form; a synopsis or scheme

(initial capital letter) Astronomy

the constellation Mensa

a flat and relatively thin piece of wood, stone, metal, or other hard substance, especially one artificially shaped for a particular purpose


a course or band, especially of masonry, having a distinctive form or position

a distinctively treated surface on a wall

a smooth, flat board or slab on which inscriptions may be put


the tablets on which certain collections of laws were anciently inscribed: the tables of the Decalogue

the laws themselves


the inner or outer hard layer or any of the flat bones of the skull


a sounding board


the upper horizontal surface of a faceted gem

a gem with such a surface

As verb (used with object), tabled, tabling

to place (a card, money, etc

) on a table

to enter in or form into a table or list

Parliamentary Procedure

Chiefly U


to lay aside (a proposal, resolution, etc

) for future discussion, usually with a view to postponing or shelving the matter indefinitely


to present (a proposal, resolution, etc

) for discussion

As adjective

of, relating to, or for use on a table:a table lamp

suitable for serving at a table or for eating or drinking:table grapes

As Idioms

on the table, Parliamentary Procedure





submitted for consideration

turn the tables, to cause a reversal of an existing situation, especially with regard to gaining the upper hand over a competitor, rival, antagonist, etc

:Fortune turned the tables and we won

We turned the tables on them and undersold them by percent

under the table, drunk

as a bribe; secretly: She gave money under the table to get the apartment

wait (on) table, to work as a waiter or waitress:He worked his way through college by waiting table

Also, wait tables

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