Kitchen Curtains For Bay Windows
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As noun
a room or place equipped for cooking
culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen
the staff or equipment of a kitchen
As adjective
of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains
employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help
of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language
As noun
a hanging piece of fabric used to shut out the light from a window, adorn a room, increase privacy, etc
a movable or folding screen used for similar purposes
Chiefly New England
a window shade
a set of hanging drapery for concealing all or part of the stage or set from the view of the audience
the act or time of raising or opening a curtain at the start of a performance: an : curtain
the end of a scene or act indicated by the closing or falling of a curtain: first-act curtain
an effect, line, or plot solution at the conclusion of a performance: a strong curtain; weak curtain
music signaling the end of a radio or television performance
(used as a direction in a script of a play to indicate that a scene or act is concluded
anything that shuts off, covers, or conceals:a curtain of artillery fire
a relatively flat or featureless extent of wall between two pavilions or the like
the part of a wall or rampart connecting two bastions, towers, or the like
curtains, Slang
the end; death, especially by violence:It looked like curtains for another mobster
As verb (used with object)
to provide, shut off, conceal, or adorn with, or as if with, a curtain
As Idioms
draw the curtain on / over, to bring to a close: to draw the curtain on a long career of public service
to keep secret
lift the curtain on, to commence; start
to make known or public; disclose: to lift the curtain on a new scientific discovery
As preposition
with the object or purpose of:to run for exercise
intended to belong to, or be used in connection with: equipment for the army;a closet for dishes
suiting the purposes or needs of:medicine for the aged
in order to obtain, gain, or acquire: a suit for alimony;to work for wages
(used to express a wish, as of something to be experienced or obtained):O, for a cold drink!
sensitive or responsive to:an eye for beauty
desirous of: a longing for something;a taste for fancy clothes
in consideration or payment of; in return for: three for a dollar;to be thanked for one's efforts
appropriate or adapted to: a subject for speculation;clothes for winter
with regard or respect to: pressed for time;too warm for April
during the continuance of:for a long time
in favor of; on the side of:to be for honest government
in place of; instead of:a substitute for butter
in the interest of; on behalf of:to act for a client
in exchange for; as an offset to: blow for blow;money for goods
in punishment of:payment for the crime
in honor of:to give a dinner for a person
with the purpose of reaching:to start for London
contributive to:for the advantage of everybody
in order to save:to flee for one's life
in order to become:to train recruits for soldiers
in assignment or attribution to: an appointment for the afternoon;That's for you to decide
such as to allow of or to require:too many for separate mention
such as results in:his reason for going
as affecting the interests or circumstances of:bad for one's health
in proportion or with reference to:He is tall for his age
in the character of; as being:to know a thing for a fact
by reason of; because of: to shout for joy;a city famed for its beauty
in spite of:He's a decent guy for all that
to the extent or amount of:to walk for a mile
(used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase):It's time for me to go
(used to indicate the number of successes out of a specified number of attempts):The batter was for in the game
As conjunction
seeing that; since
As Idioms
for it, British
in (def )
As noun
a body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf
South Atlantic States
an arm of a swamp
a recess of land, partly surrounded by hills
an arm of a prairie or swamp, extending into woods and partly surrounded by them
Trademark(used with a singular verb)
any of several personal computer operating systems or environments featuring a graphical user interface
window [win-doh] /ˈwɪn doʊ/ Spell Syllables
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