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Kitchen Window Shades

Sunday, December 17th, 2017 - Kitchen
Lovely Kitchen Window Shades 1. Decoration

Lovely Kitchen Window Shades 1. Decoration

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As noun

a room or place equipped for cooking

culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen

the staff or equipment of a kitchen

As adjective

of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains

employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help

of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language


As noun

an opening in the wall of a building, the side of a vehicle, etc

, for the admission of air or light, or both, commonly fitted with a frame in which are set movable sashes containing panes of glass

such an opening with the frame, sashes, and panes of glass, or any other device, by which it is closed

the frame, sashes, and panes of glass, or the like, intended to fit such an opening:Finally the builders put in the windows

a windowpane

anything likened to a window in appearance or function, as a transparent section in an envelope, displaying the address

a period of time regarded as highly favorable for initiating or completing something:Investors have a window of perhaps six months before interest rates rise


chaff (def )




the drug dosage range that results in a therapeutic effect, a lower dose being insufficient and a higher dose being toxic


launch window

a specific area at the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere through which a spacecraft must reenter to arrive safely at its planned destination


a section of a display screen that can be created for viewing information from another part of a file or from another file:The split screen feature enables a user to create two or more windows

As verb (used with object)

to furnish with a window or windows


to display or put in a window


As noun

the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area

a place or an area of comparative darkness, as one sheltered from the sun

window shade

a lampshade


darkness gathering at the close of day: Shades of night are falling



a reminder of something: shades of the Inquisition

Usually, shades

a secluded or obscure place:He was living in the shades

comparative obscurity

a specter or ghost

Greek and Roman Religion

one of the spirits of the dead inhabiting Hades

a shadow

the degree of darkness of a color, determined by the quantity of black or by the lack of illumination

comparative darkness, as the effect of shadow or dark and light, in pictorial representation; the dark part, or a dark part, of a picture or drawing

a slight variation or degree:a shade of difference

a little bit; touch, especially of something that may change the color of or lighten or darken something else:coffee with a shade of cream

anything used for protection against excessive light, heat, etc

(in architectural shades and shadows) a shadow upon those parts of a solid that are tangent to or turned away from the parallel rays from the theoretical light source

Compare shadow (def )

the shades, Hades, as the abode of the spirits of the dead

As verb (used with object), shaded, shading

to produce shade in or on

to obscure, dim, or darken

to screen or hide from view

to protect (something) from light, heat, etc

, by or as by a screen:to shade the eyes from a bright light

to cover or screen (a candle, light, etc

):to shade a light to protect the eyes

Fine Arts

to introduce degrees of darkness into (a drawing or painting) in order to render light and shadow or give the effect of color

to render the values of light and dark in (a drawn figure, object, etc

), especially in order to create the illusion of three-dimensionality

to change by imperceptible degrees into something else

to reduce (the price) by way of a concession


to insult, criticize, or disrespect (a person or thing) in an indirect, artful manner:He got into a fight with someone who shaded his mom

As verb (used without object), shaded, shading

to pass or change by slight graduations, as one color, quality, or thing into another

As Verb phrases

shade up, Agriculture

to take shelter (as livestock) from the sun

As Idioms

cast / put someone in / into the shade, to make another person's efforts seem insignificant by comparison; surpass:Her playing puts mine in the shade

throw shade, Slang

to insult, criticize, or disrespect a person or thing in an indirect, artful manner:He threw some shade at his former boss

 Kitchen Window Shades Coordinated Charm. Fabric Based Window Treatments ...

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