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Lake House Decorating Ideas

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 - Home Design
Good Lake House Decorating Ideas White Lake House Decor

Good Lake House Decorating Ideas White Lake House Decor

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As noun

a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land

any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil

As Idioms

(go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience



As noun, plural houses [hou-ziz] /ˈhaʊ zɪz/ (Show IPA)

a building in which people live; residence for human beings

a household

(often initial capital letter) a family, including ancestors and descendants:the great houses of France; the House of Hapsburg

a building for any purpose:a house of worship

a theater, concert hall, or auditorium:a vaudeville house

the audience of a theater or the like

a place of shelter for an animal, bird, etc

the building in which a legislative or official deliberative body meets

(initial capital letter) the body itself, especially of a bicameral legislature:the House of Representatives

a quorum of such a body

(often initial capital letter) a commercial establishment; business firm:the House of Rothschild; a publishing house

a gambling casino

the management of a commercial establishment or of a gambling casino:rules of the house

an advisory or deliberative group, especially in church or college affairs

a college in an English-type university

a residential hall in a college or school; dormitory

the members or residents of any such residential hall


a brothel; whorehouse


a variety of lotto or bingo played with paper and pencil, especially by soldiers as a gambling game

Also called parish


the area enclosed by a circle or feet (


meters) in diameter at each end of the rink, having the tee in the center


any enclosed shelter above the weather deck of a vessel:bridge house; deck house


one of the divisions of the celestial sphere, numbered counterclockwise from the point of the eastern horizon

As verb (used with object), housed [houzd] /haʊzd/ (Show IPA), housing [hou-zing] /ˈhaʊ zɪŋ/ (Show IPA)

to put or receive into a house, dwelling, or living quarters:More than students were housed in the dormitory

to give shelter to; harbor; lodge:to house flood victims in schools

to provide with a place to work, study, or the like:This building houses our executive staff

to provide storage space for; be a receptacle for or repository of:The library houses , books

to remove from exposure; put in a safe place


to stow securely

to lower (an upper mast) and make secure, as alongside the lower mast

to heave (an anchor) home


to fit the end or edge of (a board or the like) into a notch, hole, or groove

to form (a joint) between two pieces of wood by fitting the end or edge of one into a dado of the other

As verb (used without object), housed [houzd] /haʊzd/ (Show IPA), housing [hou-zing] /ˈhaʊ zɪŋ/ (Show IPA)

to take shelter; dwell

As adjective

of, relating to, or noting a house

for or suitable for a house:house paint

of or being a product made by or for a specific retailer and often sold under the store's own label:You'll save money on the radio if you buy the house brand

served by a restaurant as its customary brand:the house wine

As Idioms

bring down the house, to call forth vigorous applause from an audience; be highly successful:The children's performances brought down the house

clean house

clean (def )

dress the house, Theater

to fill a theater with many people admitted on free passes; paper the house

to arrange or space the seating of patrons in such a way as to make an audience appear larger or a theater or nightclub more crowded than it actually is

keep house, to maintain a home; manage a household

like a house on fire / afire, very quickly; with energy or enthusiasm:The new product took off like a house on fire

on the house, as a gift from the management; free:Tonight the drinks are on the house

put / set one's house in order, to settle one's affairs

to improve one's behavior or correct one's faults: It is easy to criticize others, but it would be better to put one's own house in order first


As verb (used with object), decorated, decorating

to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming; embellish:to decorate walls with murals

to plan and execute the design, furnishings, and ornamentation of the interior of (a house, office, apartment, etc

), especially by selecting colors, fabrics, and style of furniture, by making minor structural changes, etc

:Their house is decorated in French Provincial style

to confer distinction upon by a badge, a medal of honor, etc

:to decorate a soldier for valor


As noun

any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity

a thought, conception, or notion:That is an excellent idea

an impression:He gave me a general idea of how he plans to run the department

an opinion, view, or belief:His ideas on raising children are certainly strange

a plan of action; an intention:the idea of becoming an engineer

a groundless supposition; fantasy


a concept developed by the mind

a conception of what is desirable or ought to be; ideal

(initial capital letter) Platonism

Also called form

an archetype or pattern of which the individual objects in any natural class are imperfect copies and from which they derive their being


idea of pure reason


a theme, phrase, or figure


a likeness

a mental image

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