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As noun
something that makes things visible or affords illumination:All colors depend on light
Also called luminous energy, radiant energy
electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about to nm and propagated at a speed of , mi
/sec (, km/sec), considered variously as a wave, corpuscular, or quantum phenomenon
a similar form of radiant energy that does not affect the retina, as ultraviolet or infrared rays
the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of sight
an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon
the radiance or illumination from a particular source:the light of a candle
the illumination from the sun; daylight:We awoke at the first light
daybreak or dawn:when light appeared in the east
daytime:Summer has more hours of light
a particular light or illumination in which an object seen takes on a certain appearance:viewing the portrait in dim light
a device for or means of igniting, as a spark, flame, or match:Could you give me a light?
a traffic light:Don't cross till the light changes
the aspect in which a thing appears or is regarded:Try to look at the situation in a more cheerful light
the state of being visible, exposed to view, or revealed to public notice or knowledge; limelight:Stardom has placed her in the light
a person who is an outstanding leader, celebrity, or example; luminary:He became one of the leading lights of Restoration drama
the effect of light falling on an object or scene as represented in a picture
one of the brightest parts of a picture
a gleam or sparkle, as in the eyes
a measure or supply of light; illumination:The wall cuts off our light
spiritual illumination or awareness; enlightenment
Also called day
one compartment of a window or window sash
a window, especially a small one
mental insight; understanding
lights, the information, ideas, or mental capacities possessed:to act according to one's lights
a lighthouse
the eyesight
As adjective, lighter, lightest
having light or illumination; bright; well-lighted:the lightest room in the entire house
pale, whitish, or not deep or dark in color:a light blue
(of coffee or tea) containing enough milk or cream to produce a light color
As verb (used with object), lighted or lit, lighting
to set burning, as a candle, lamp, fire, match, or cigarette; kindle; ignite
to turn or switch on (an electric light):One flick of the master switch lights all the lamps in the room
to give light to; furnish with light or illumination:The room is lighted by two large chandeliers
to make (an area or object) bright with or as if with light (often followed by up):Hundreds of candles lighted up the ballroom
to cause (the face, surroundings, etc
) to brighten, especially with joy, animation, or the like (often followed by up):A smile lit up her face
Her presence lighted up the room
to guide or conduct with a light:a candle to light you to bed
As verb (used without object), lighted or lit, lighting
to take fire or become kindled:The damp wood refused to light
to ignite a cigar, cigarette, or pipe for purposes of smoking (usually followed by up):He took out a pipe and lighted up before speaking
to become illuminated when switched on:This table lamp won't light
to become bright, as with light or color (often followed by up):The sky lights up at sunset
to brighten with animation or joy, as the face or eyes (often followed by up)
As Idioms
bring to light, to discover or reveal:The excavations brought to light the remnants of an ancient civilization
come to light, to be discovered or revealed:Some previously undiscovered letters have lately come to light
hide one's light under a bushel, to conceal or suppress one's talents or successes
in a good / bad light, under favorable (or unfavorable) circumstances:She worshiped him, but then she'd only seen him in a good light
in (the) light of, taking into account; because of; considering:It was necessary to review the decision in the light of recent developments
light at the end of the tunnel, a prospect of success, relief, or redemption:We haven't solved the problem yet, but we're beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel
see the light, to come into existence or being
to be made public
to begin to accept or understand a point of view one formerly opposed: Her father was opposed to her attending an out-of-town college, but he finally saw the light
shed / throw light on, to clarify; clear up:His deathbed confession threw light on a mystery of long standing
As adjective
having color
Older Use: Offensive
belonging wholly or in part to any group of nonwhite people, especially to black people
Older Use: Offensive
pertaining to black people
influenced or biased:colored opinions
specious; deceptive:The authorities detected a colored quality in her statement
of some hue other than green
As noun
Older Use: Offensive
a black person
the colored, black people as a group
Cape Colored
As noun
a room furnished and used for sleeping
As adjective
concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy
sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes
inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community
As noun
the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like
fittings, apparatus, or necessary accessories for something
equipment for streets and other public areas, as lighting standards, signs, benches, or litter bins
Also called bearer, dead metal
pieces of wood or metal, less than type high, set in and about pages of type to fill them out and hold the type in place in a chase
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