Living Room Corner Shelf
Living Room Corner Shelf Corner Accent Dark Taupe Etagere On. Living Room Corner Decor, Wall Shelving ...
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As adjective
having life; being alive; not dead:living persons
in actual existence or use; extant:living languages
active or thriving; vigorous; strong:a living faith
burning or glowing, as a coal
flowing freely, as water
pertaining to, suitable for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence:living conditions; a living wage
of or relating to living persons:within living memory
lifelike; true to life, as a picture or narrative
in its natural state and place; not uprooted, changed, etc
:living rock
very; absolute (used as an intensifier): You scared the living daylights out of me!He's making her life a living hell
As noun
the act or condition of a person or thing that lives:Living is very expensive these days
the means of maintaining life; livelihood:to earn one's living
a particular manner, state, or status of life:luxurious living
(used with a plural verb) living persons collectively (usually preceded by the):glad to be among the living
the benefice of a clergyman
As noun
a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts:a dining room
rooms, lodgings or quarters, as in a house or building
the persons present in a room:The whole room laughed
space or extent of space occupied by or available for something:The desk takes up too much room
opportunity or scope for something:room for improvement; room for doubt
status or a station in life considered as a place:He fought for room at the top
capacity:Her brain had no room for trivia
a working area cut between pillars
As verb (used without object)
to occupy a room or rooms; lodge
As noun
the place at which two converging lines or surfaces meet
the space between two converging lines or surfaces near their intersection; angle:a chair in the corner of the room
a projecting angle, especially of a rectangular figure or object:He bumped into the corner of the table
the point where two streets meet:the corner of Market and Main Streets
an end; margin; edge
any narrow, secluded, or secret place
an awkward or embarrassing position, especially one from which escape is impossible
a monopolizing or a monopoly of the available supply of a stock or commodity to a point permitting control of price (applied only when monopoly price is exacted)
region; part; quarter:from every corner of the empire
the point of intersection of the section lines of a land survey, often marked by a monument or some object, as a pipe that is set or driven into the ground
Compare section (def )
a stake, tree, or rock marking the intersection of property lines
a piece to protect the corner of anything
any point on the line forming the left or right boundary of home plate: a pitch on the corner
the area formed by the intersection of the foul line and the outfield fence
the immediate area formed by any of the four angles in the ring
one of the two assigned corners where a boxer rests between rounds and behind which the handlers sit during a fight
corner kick
As adjective
situated on or at a corner where two streets meet:a corner drugstore
made to fit or be used in a corner:a corner cabinet
As verb (used with object)
to furnish with corners
to place in or drive into a corner
to force into an awkward or difficult position or one from which escape is impossible:He finally cornered the thief
to gain control of (a stock, commodity, etc
As verb (used without object)
to meet in or be situated on or at a corner
to form a corner in a stock or commodity
(of an automobile) to turn, especially at a speed relatively high for the angle of the turn involved
As Idioms
cut corners, to use a shorter route
to reduce costs or care in execution: cutting corners to meet the foreign competition
rough corners, rude, boorish, or unsophisticated characteristics, manners, or the like:Despite his rough corners, he was very likable
the four corners of the earth, the most distant or remote regions:They traveled to the four corners of the earth
turn the corner, to pass through a crisis safely:When the fever passed, we knew he had turned the corner
As noun, plural shelves [shelvz] /ʃɛlvz/ (Show IPA)
a thin slab of wood, metal, etc
, fixed horizontally to a wall or in a frame, for supporting objects
the contents of this:a shelf of books
a surface or projection resembling this; ledge
Physical Geography
a sandbank or submerged extent of rock in the sea or river
the bedrock underlying an alluvial deposit or the like
continental shelf
the upper part of the bow hand, on which the arrow rests
As Idioms
off the shelf, readily available from merchandise in stock:Any of those parts can be purchased off the shelf
on the shelf, Informal
put aside temporarily; postponed
inactive; useless
without prospects of marriage, as after having broken an engagement
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Living Room Corner Shelf Corner Shelf Unit. I Have Few Good Corners That Could Use This
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