Living Room With Orange Couch
Good Living Room With Orange Couch Orange And Black Living Room
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As adjective
having life; being alive; not dead:living persons
in actual existence or use; extant:living languages
active or thriving; vigorous; strong:a living faith
burning or glowing, as a coal
flowing freely, as water
pertaining to, suitable for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence:living conditions; a living wage
of or relating to living persons:within living memory
lifelike; true to life, as a picture or narrative
in its natural state and place; not uprooted, changed, etc
:living rock
very; absolute (used as an intensifier): You scared the living daylights out of me!He's making her life a living hell
As noun
the act or condition of a person or thing that lives:Living is very expensive these days
the means of maintaining life; livelihood:to earn one's living
a particular manner, state, or status of life:luxurious living
(used with a plural verb) living persons collectively (usually preceded by the):glad to be among the living
the benefice of a clergyman
As noun
a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts:a dining room
rooms, lodgings or quarters, as in a house or building
the persons present in a room:The whole room laughed
space or extent of space occupied by or available for something:The desk takes up too much room
opportunity or scope for something:room for improvement; room for doubt
status or a station in life considered as a place:He fought for room at the top
capacity:Her brain had no room for trivia
a working area cut between pillars
As verb (used without object)
to occupy a room or rooms; lodge
As preposition
accompanied by; accompanying:I will go with you
He fought with his brother against the enemy
in some particular relation to (especially implying interaction, company, association, conjunction, or connection):I dealt with the problem
She agreed with me
characterized by or having:a person with initiative
(of means or instrument) by the use of; using:to line a coat with silk; to cut with a knife
(of manner) using or showing:to work with diligence
in correspondence, comparison, or proportion to:Their power increased with their number
How does their plan compare with ours?
in regard to:to be pleased with a gift
(of cause) owing to:to die with pneumonia; to pale with fear
in the region, sphere, or view of:It is day with us while it is night with the Chinese
(of separation) from:to part with a thing
against, as in opposition or competition:He fought with his brother over the inheritance
in the keeping or service of:to leave something with a friend
in affecting the judgment, estimation, or consideration of:Her argument carried a lot of weight with the trustees
at the same time as or immediately after; upon:And with that last remark, she turned and left
of the same opinion or conviction as:Are you with me or against me?
in proximity to or in the same household as:He lives with his parents
(used as a function word to specify an additional circumstance or condition):We climbed the hill, with Jeff following behind
As Idioms
in with
in (def )
with child, pregnant
with it, Slang
knowledgeable about, sympathetic to, or partaking of the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc
representing or characterized by the most up-to-date trends, fashions, art, etc
with that
that (def )
As noun
a globose, reddish-yellow, bitter or sweet, edible citrus fruit
any white-flowered, evergreen citrus trees of the genus Citrus, bearing this fruit, as C
aurantium (bitter orange, Seville orange, or sour orange) and C
sinensis (sweet orange) cultivated in warm countries
any of several other citrus trees, as the trifoliate orange
any of several trees or fruits resembling an orange
a color between yellow and red in the spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between and nm; reddish yellow
a secondary color that has been formed by the mixture of red and yellow pigments
As adjective
of or relating to the orange
made or prepared with oranges or orangelike flavoring:orange sherbet
of the color orange; reddish-yellow
As noun
a piece of furniture for seating from two to four people, typically in the form of a bench with a back, sometimes having an armrest at one or each end, and partly or wholly upholstered and often fitted with springs, tailored cushions, skirts, etc
; sofa
a similar article of furniture, with a headrest at one end, on which some patients of psychiatrists or psychoanalysts lie while undergoing treatment
a bed or other place of rest; a lounge; any place used for repose
the lair of a wild beast
the frame on which barley is spread to be malted
the board or felt blanket on which wet pulp is laid for drying into paper sheets
Fine Arts
a primer coat or layer, as of paint
As verb (used with object)
to arrange or frame (words, a sentence, etc
); put into words; express:a simple request couched in respectful language
to express indirectly or obscurely:the threat couched under his polite speech
to lower or bend down, as the head
to lower (a spear, lance, etc
) to a horizontal position, as for attack
to put or lay down, as for rest or sleep; cause to lie down
to lay or spread flat
to transfer (a sheet of pulp) from the wire to the couch
to embroider by couching
to hide; conceal
As verb (used without object)
to lie at rest or asleep; repose; recline
to crouch; bend; stoop
to lie in ambush or in hiding; lurk
to lie in a heap for decomposition or fermentation, as leaves
As Idioms
on the couch, Informal
undergoing psychiatric or psychoanalytic treatment
Attractive Living Room With Orange Couch Why Not Consider A Burnt Orange Sofa? (: David A. Land, :
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