Outdoor Shower Kit Lowes
Delightful Outdoor Shower Kit Lowes Awesome Outdoor Shower Kit
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As adjective
Also, outdoors
characteristic of, located, occurring, or belonging outdoors:an outdoor barbecue; outdoor sports
As noun
a brief fall of rain or, sometimes, of hail or snow
Also called shower bath
a bath in which water is sprayed on the body, usually from an overhead perforated nozzle (showerhead)
the apparatus for this or the room or stall enclosing it
a large supply or quantity:a shower of wealth
a party given for a bestowal of presents of a specific kind, especially such a party for a prospective bride or prospective mother:a linen shower; a baby shower
a fall of many objects, as tears, sparks, or missiles
air shower
showers, a room or area equipped with several showerheads or stalls for use by a number of people at the same time
As verb (used with object)
to bestow liberally or lavishly
to deluge (a person) with gifts, favors, etc
:She was showered with gifts on her birthday
to bathe (oneself) in a shower bath
As verb (used without object)
to rain in a shower
to take a shower bath
As Idioms
send to the showers, Baseball
to replace (a pitcher) during a game, usually because he or she is ineffective: The coach sent him to the showers after he walked three batters in a row
to cause (a pitcher) to be replaced in a game, as by getting many hits off him or her; knock out of the box: Two home runs and a line-drive double sent her to the showers
As noun
a set or collection of tools, supplies, instructional matter, etc
, for a specific purpose:a first-aid kit; a sales kit
the case for containing these
such a case and its contents
a set of materials or parts from which something can be assembled:a model car made from a kit
a set, lot, or collection of things or persons
a wooden tub, pail, etc
, usually circular
Chiefly British
a costume or outfit of clothing, especially for a specific purpose:ski kit; dancing kit; battle kit
As verb (used with object), kitted, kitting
to package or make available in a kit:a new model airplane that has just been kitted for the hobbyist
Chiefly British
to outfit or equip (often followed by out or up)
As Idioms
kit and caboodle / boodle, Informal
the whole lot of persons or things; all of something (often preceded by whole):We took along the whole kit and caboodle in the station wagon
As noun
John Livingston, –, U
scholar, critic, and teacher
lowe [loh] /loʊ/ Spell Syllables
Charming Outdoor Shower Kit Lowes Image Of: Outdoor Shower Kits Cape Cod
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Outdoor Shower Kit Lowes Pictures Album
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