Pink Roses Wallpaper
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As noun
a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple
any of several plants of the genus Dianthus, as the clove pink or carnation
Compare pink family
the flower of such a plant; carnation
the highest form or degree; prime:a runner in the pink of condition
Older Slang: Disparaging
Business Informal
a carbon copy, as of a sales slip or invoice, made on pink tissue paper
Fox Hunting
pink coat
pinkish-tan gabardine trousers formerly worn by military officers as part of the dress uniform
the scarlet color of hunting pinks
As adjective, pinker, pinkest
of the color pink:pink marble
Older Slang: Disparaging
holding mildly leftist political opinions
leaning toward communist ideology
of or relating to homosexuals or homosexuality
As Idioms
tickled pink
tickle (def )
As noun
any of the wild or cultivated, usually prickly-stemmed, pinnate-leaved, showy-flowered shrubs of the genus Rosa
Compare rose familyany of various related or similar plants
the flower of any such shrub, of a red, pink, white, or yellow color
the traditional reddish color of this flower, variously a purplish red, pinkish red, or light crimson
an ornament shaped like or suggesting this flower
a pink or pinkish-red color in the cheek
rose window
a representation of a wild rose with five petals, usually seeded and barbed in a symmetrical design and used especially as the cadency mark of a seventh son
any of various diagrams showing directions radiating from a common center, as a compass card or wind rose
an obsolete gem style or cut, flat on the bottom and having an upper side with from , or fewer, to triangular facets
a gem with this cut
a perforated cap or plate, as at the end of a pipe or the spout of a watering pot, to break a flow of water into a spray
an ornamental plate or socket surrounding the shaft of a doorknob at the face of a door
a plane polar curve consisting of three or more equal loops that meet at the origin
Equation: r = a sin(nθ) or r = a cos(nθ)
As adjective
of the color rose
for, containing, or growing roses:a rose garden
scented like a rose
As verb (used with object), rosed, rosing
to make rose-colored
to flush (the face, cheeks, etc
As Idioms
come up roses, Informal
to turn out all right; result in success, glory, or profit:Despite setbacks, things should come up roses in the long run
As noun
paper, usually with printed decorative patterns in color, for pasting on and covering the walls or ceilings of rooms, hallways, etc
any fabric, foil, vinyl material, etc
, used as a wall or ceiling covering
a design or picture in the background of the primary display screen of a graphical user interface:Personalize your tablet by changing the wallpaper
As verb (used with object)
to put wallpaper on (a wall, ceiling, etc
) or to furnish (a room, house, etc
) with wallpaper
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