Small Bedroom Office Ideas
Awesome Small Bedroom Office Ideas 30 Clever Space Saving Design Ideas For Small Homes
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As adjective, smaller, smallest
of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little:a small box
slender, thin, or narrow:a small waist
not large as compared with others of the same kind:a small elephant
(of letters) lowercase (def )
not great in amount, degree, extent, duration, value, etc
:a small salary
not great numerically:a small army
of low numerical value; denoted by a low number
having but little land, capital, power, influence, etc
, or carrying on business or some activity on a limited scale:a small enterprise
of minor importance, moment, weight, or consequence:a small problem
humble, modest, or unpretentious:small circumstances
characterized by or indicative of littleness of mind or character; mean-spirited; petty:a small, miserly man
of little strength or force:a small effort
(of sound or the voice) gentle; with little volume
very young:when I was a small boy
diluted; weak
As adverb, smaller, smallest
in a small manner:They talked big but lived small
into small pieces:Slice the cake small
in low tones; softly
As noun
something that is small:Do you prefer the small or the large?
a small or narrow part, as of the back
those who are small:Democracy benefits the great and the small
smalls, small goods or products
smalls, British
household linen, as napkins, pillowcases, etc
smalls, British Informal
the responsions at Oxford University
smalls, Mining
coal, ore, gangue, etc
, in fine particles
As Idioms
feel small, to be ashamed or mortified:Her unselfishness made me feel small
As noun
a room furnished and used for sleeping
As adjective
concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy
sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes
inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community
As noun
a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted:the main office of an insurance company; a doctor's office
a room assigned to a specific person or a group of persons in a commercial or industrial organization:Her office is next to mine
a business or professional organization:He went to work in an architect's office
the staff or designated part of a staff at a commercial or industrial organization:The whole office was at his wedding
a position of duty, trust, or authority, especially in the government, a corporation, a society, or the like:She was elected twice to the office of president
employment or position as an official:to seek office
the duty, function, or part of a particular person or agency:to act in the office of adviser
(initial capital letter) an operating agency or division of certain departments of the U
Government:Office of Community Services
(initial capital letter) British
a major administrative unit or department of the national government:the Foreign Office
hint, signal, or warning; high sign
Often, offices
something, whether good or bad, done or said for or to another:He obtained a position through the offices of a friend
the prescribed order or form for a service of the church or for devotional use
the services so prescribed
Also called divine office
the prayers, readings from Scripture, and psalms that must be recited every day by all who are in major orders
a ceremony or rite, especially for the dead
a service or task to be performed; assignment; chore:little domestic offices
offices, Chiefly British
the parts of a house, as the kitchen, pantry, or laundry, devoted mainly to household work
the stables, barns, cowhouses, etc
, of a farm
Older Slang
As noun
any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity
a thought, conception, or notion:That is an excellent idea
an impression:He gave me a general idea of how he plans to run the department
an opinion, view, or belief:His ideas on raising children are certainly strange
a plan of action; an intention:the idea of becoming an engineer
a groundless supposition; fantasy
a concept developed by the mind
a conception of what is desirable or ought to be; ideal
(initial capital letter) Platonism
Also called form
an archetype or pattern of which the individual objects in any natural class are imperfect copies and from which they derive their being
idea of pure reason
a theme, phrase, or figure
a likeness
a mental image
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Attractive Small Bedroom Office Ideas How To Add A Desk Area And Office To Your Small Bedroom
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