Images Of Kitchen Bars
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As noun
a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible
an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface
a mental representation; idea; conception
a mental representation of something previously perceived, in the absence of the original stimulus
form; appearance; semblance:We are all created in God's image
counterpart; copy:That child is the image of his mother
a symbol; emblem
the general or public perception of a company, public figure, etc
, especially as achieved by careful calculation aimed at creating widespread goodwill
a type; embodiment:Red-faced and angry, he was the image of frustration
a description of something in speech or writing:Keats created some of the most beautiful images in the language
a figure of speech, especially a metaphor or a simile
an idol or representation of a deity:They knelt down before graven images
the point or set of points in the range corresponding to a designated point in the domain of a given function
an illusion or apparition
As verb (used with object), imaged, imaging
to picture or represent in the mind; imagine; conceive
to make an image of; portray in sculpture, painting, etc
to project (photographs, film, etc
) on a surface:Familiar scenes were imaged on the screen
to reflect the likeness of; mirror
to set forth in speech or writing; describe
to symbolize; typify
to resemble
to create an image for (a company, public figure, etc
):The candidate had to be imaged before being put on the campaign trail
to transform (data) into an exact replica in a different form, as changing digital data to pixels for display on a screen or representing a medical scan of a body part in digital form
As preposition
(used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc
):within a mile of the church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money
(used to indicate derivation, origin, or source):a man of good family; the plays of Shakespeare; a piece of cake
(used to indicate cause, motive, occasion, or reason):to die of hunger
(used to indicate material, component parts, substance, or contents):a dress of silk; an apartment of three rooms; a book of poems; a package of cheese
(used to indicate apposition or identity):Is that idiot of a salesman calling again?
(used to indicate specific identity or a particular item within a category):the city of Chicago; thoughts of love
(used to indicate possession, connection, or association):the king of France; the property of the church
(used to indicate inclusion in a number, class, or whole):one of us
(used to indicate the objective relation, the object of the action noted by the preceding noun or the application of a verb or adjective):the ringing of bells; He writes her of home; I'm tired of working
(used to indicate reference or respect):There is talk of peace
(used to indicate qualities or attributes):an ambassador of remarkable tact
(used to indicate a specified time):They arrived of an evening
Chiefly Northern U
before the hour of; until:twenty minutes of five
on the part of:It was very mean of you to laugh at me
in respect to:fleet of foot
set aside for or devoted to:a minute of prayer
by:consumed of worms
As noun
a room or place equipped for cooking
culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen
the staff or equipment of a kitchen
As adjective
of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains
employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help
of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language
As noun
a relatively long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used as a guard or obstruction or for some mechanical purpose:the bars of a cage
an oblong piece of any solid material:a bar of soap; a candy bar
the amount of material in a bar
an ingot, lump, or wedge of gold or silver
a long ridge of sand, gravel, or other material near or slightly above the surface of the water at or near the mouth of a river or harbor entrance, often constituting an obstruction to navigation
anything that obstructs, hinders, or impedes; obstacle; barrier:a bar to important legislation
a counter or place where beverages, especially liquors, or light meals are served to customers:a snack bar; a milk bar
a barroom or tavern
(in a home) a counter, small wagon, or similar piece of furniture for serving food or beverages:a breakfast bar
the legal profession
the practicing members of the legal profession in a given community
any tribunal:the bar of public opinion
a band or strip:a bar of light
a railing in a courtroom separating the general public from the part of the room occupied by the judges, jury, attorneys, etc
a crowbar
Also called bar line
the line marking the division between two measures of music
double bar
the unit of music contained between two bar lines; measure
an objection that nullifies an action or claim
a stoppage or defeat of an alleged right of action
a horizontal stroke of a type character, as of an A, H, t, and sometimes e
(in tracery) a relatively long and slender upright of stone treated as a colonette or molded
Building Trades
an iron or steel shape: I-bar
a muntin
one of a pair of metal or cloth insignia worn by certain commissioned officers
bars, the transverse ridges on the roof of the mouth of a horse
a space between the molar and canine teeth of a horse into which the bit is fitted
(in a bridle) the mouthpiece connecting the cheeks
bride (def )
a horizontal band, narrower than a fess, that crosses the field of an escutcheon
a gateway capable of being barred
As verb (used with object), barred, barring
to equip or fasten with a bar or bars:Bar the door before retiring for the night
to block by or as if by bars:The police barred the exits in an attempt to prevent the thief's escape
to prevent or hinder:They barred her entrance to the club
to exclude or except:He was barred from membership because of his reputation
to mark with bars,ŋ stripes, or bands
As preposition
except; omitting; but:bar none
As Idioms
at bar, Law
before the court and being tried: a case at bar
before all the judges of a court: a trial at bar
behind bars, in jail:We wanted the criminal behind bars
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